add your custom daily touch of pepper

Yearly -20%


Get a glance at the spicy touch of Pimento
200 daily generations
All images are watermarked
No custom models
Standard assistance
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Asterisk White


Get a glance at the spicy touch of Pimento
Unlimited generations
200 monthly credits
Up to 6 monthly images without watermark
Up to 10 custom models
Basic priority generations
Standard assistance
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Asterisk White


Make each day of your creative week sunny, with a touch of Pimento
Unlimited generations
600 monthly credits
Up to 20 monthly images without watermark
Up to 30 custom models
High priority generations
Enhanced assistance
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Asterisk White Asterisk White Asterisk White


Pure mad brain of creation, not feared of having hot spicy tastes
Tailored to your agency or company needs with enhanced IP protection!
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Get a glance at the spicy touch of Pimento
200 daily generations
All images are watermarked
No custom models
Standard assistance
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Asterisk White
Get a glance at the spicy touch of Pimento
Unlimited generations
200 monthly credits
Up to 6 monthly images without watermark
Up to 10 custom models
Standard assistance
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Asterisk White Asterisk White
Make each day of your creative week sunny, with a touch of Pimento
Unlimited generations
600 monthly credits
Up to 20 monthly images without watermark
Up to 30 custom models
High priority generations
Enhanced assistance
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Asterisk White Asterisk White Asterisk White
Pure mad brain of creation, not feared of having hot spicy tastes
Tailored to your agency or company needs with enhanced IP protection!
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Have a question? Talk to us


200 monthly credits with the Standard plan, 600 with the Pro plan.

Create your own custom model
Remove images watermark
trusted by top brands and agencies
trusted by top brands and agencies
trusted by top brands and agencies
trusted by top brands and agencies
trusted by top brands and agencies
trusted by top brands and agencies
trusted by top brands and agencies
trusted by top brands and agencies

FREquently asked questions

Will I own the images I make?

Yes, you retain full ownership, copyright, and other intellectual property rights of images that you generate.

For more detailed information, please refer to our Terms of Service.

Can I use my generated images for commercial projects?

Yes, you can.

For more detailed information, please refer to our Terms of Service.

Can I change my plan later?

You can always choose to upgrade or downgrade to a more suitable plan for your needs.
Upgrade will apply immediately and downgrade will apply once your billing cycle ends.

Does the pricing include tax?

Pricing in this table excludes tax. Tax, if applicable, will be added at the point of payment with Stripe. If we do not currently charge GST or VAT in your country or region, and in future need to begin charging this after meeting a local threshold, then this will be added to your recurring bill at that time.

Chosen by creatives

Pimento helps us streamline the back-and-forths with clients and teams, helping us move faster in our projects!

Emmanuel Julliot
Anagram Agency

Pimento is more useful than any stock photo and makes asset production so much easier. It saved my team so much time!

Helena Popovic
Account Manager

We’re not just brainstorming all the cool ideas we could execute if only we had more time. Thanks to Pimento, we’re doing them now.

Luisa Severo
Head of Brand & Coms

Pimento takes our exploration phases to the next level by drastically increasing the number of paths we explore, making our choices and proposals more informed and relevant.

Vincent Jouty
Hervé design agency

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